leamas / ddupdate

Update DNS Data for Dynamic IP Addresses
MIT License
40 stars 28 forks source link

New address plugin for OnHub / Google WiFi / Nest WiFi #58

Closed ajorg closed 2 years ago

ajorg commented 2 years ago

This is a plugin to fetch the external IP address directly from an OnHub, Google WiFi, or Nest WiFi router via their v1 API.

I don't have an external IPv6 address, so I'm unsure what (if any) the API response looks like if IPv6 is enabled, but perhaps someone with an ISP that supports IPv6 can help there.

The complete response from mine is included in the DEBUG log below in case it's helpful in maintaining this plugin.

$ ddupdate -a onhub -l debug
WARNING - Cannot open config file '/etc/ddupdate.conf' for read
DEBUG - Using config file: None
INFO - Loglevel: DEBUG
INFO - Using hostname: host.nowhere.net
INFO - Using ip address plugin: onhub
INFO - Using service plugin: dry-run
INFO - Service options: 
INFO - Address options: 
DEBUG - paths :/usr/lib/python3:/home/pi/.local/share/ddupdate:/usr/local/share/ddupdate:/usr/share/ddupdate
DEBUG - Loaded 0 address and 0 service plugins from /usr/lib/python3
DEBUG - Loaded 0 address and 0 service plugins from /home/pi/.local/share/ddupdate
DEBUG - Loaded 0 address and 0 service plugins from /usr/local/share/ddupdate
DEBUG - Loaded 8 address and 21 service plugins from /usr/share/ddupdate
DEBUG - trying http://onhub.here/api/v1/status
DEBUG - Got response: {"setupState": "GWIFI_OOBE_COMPLETE", "software": {"blockingUpdate": 1, "softwareVersion": "13729.57.27", "updateChannel": "stable-channel", "updateNewVersion": "", "updateProgress": 0.0, "updateRequired": false, "updateStatus": "idle"}, "system": {"countryCode": "us", "groupRole": "root", "hardwareId": "GALE C2E-A2A-A3A-A5A-A46", "lan0Link": true, "modelId": "ACjYe", "uptime": 3072876}, "vorlonInfo": {"migrationMode": "voobed"}, "wan": {"captivePortal": false, "ethernetLink": true, "gatewayIpAddress": "", "invalidCredentials": false, "ipAddress": true, "ipMethod": "dhcp", "ipPrefixLength": 21, "leaseDurationSeconds": 14400, "localIpAddress": "", "nameServers": ["", "", "", "", ""], "online": true, "pppoeDetected": false, "vlanScanAttemptCount": 0, "vlanScanComplete": true}}
DEBUG - WAN online: True
INFO - Using ip address: ['', None]
INFO - Update inhibited, cache is fresh (0/1 min)
ajorg commented 2 years ago

Fixed some style warnings and one wrong variable name.

leamas commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this new plugin!
