leamas / lpf

lpf - Local Package Factory
MIT License
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Handle not being part of pkg-build group better. #1

Closed leamas closed 10 years ago

leamas commented 10 years ago

Need a GUI handling when user isn't part of the pkg-build group.

scaronni commented 10 years ago

In the official Bacula packages in Fedora we used the usermode helper setup to launch the graphical interface as root. Basically you were prompted with a text box to enter the root password for launching the command.

Here is the commit where we removed the thing (it is now a root only command):


leamas commented 10 years ago

While a common practise., I consider running large chunks of GUI code as root being a broken idea. lpf is using sudo to run specific commands as root instead of authorizing the whole app. It should be perfectly possible to use this also for the chgrp stuff, although of course some more code. We'll see once we fixed the i686 on x86_64 issue.

leamas commented 10 years ago

I have pushed a commit to master handling this issue. It basically adds the missing group to current user if it's missing.The downside is that use is prompted each and every time until she logs out/in. Not much to do about it, this is how the kernel handles the supplementary groups list. Thoughts welcome!

leamas commented 10 years ago

Tested and sent downstream. Closing