leamas / lpf

lpf - Local Package Factory
MIT License
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When removing lpf package, should target package be removed? #12

Closed leamas closed 10 years ago

leamas commented 10 years ago

As of now, removing a lpf package leaves the target package installed. This could possibly be considered inconsistent.

Removing the target package in scriptlet is a really bad idea, to big an operation in a scriptlet also causing headaches with nested rpm transactions.

One possible approach would be to install a metapackage creating a dependency between the lpf package and the target package in lpf-install. This would make the implicit dependency between the lpf package and the target package explicit, which possibly might be a Good Thing.

leamas commented 10 years ago

Final(?) thoughts: an lpf package is basically a downloader. Nothing breaks in the target package if the lpf package goes away. If reinstalled, the new lpf installation will pick up the situation, possibly entering state OK if the target package version is as expected.

Ergo: leave as-is, removing lpf package does not affect target package.