leamas / lpf

lpf - Local Package Factory
MIT License
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Do not ask for root password when running as root, or with root privileges. #20

Closed LaKing closed 10 years ago

LaKing commented 10 years ago

When running the rpm build / rebuild / install commands, the root pasword is asked, even when root, or user with root privileges started the command as root. When in CLI, DISPLAY is empty string it is asking [sudo] password for root.

I would like to use a completely automated script, without user interaction, especially when running as root.

Great job by the way so far, keep up the good work.

leamas commented 10 years ago

Which version are you using? There is the currently released (0-13.ff55de0), one in updates-testing (lpf-0.1-3.36e5aa0) and the upstream here on github. If you havn't tried lpf-0.1-3.36e5aa0 I would appreciate if you did for a starter.

That said. one core idea with lpf is to not support automation without user interaction for packages where user needs to approve the EULA. It is possible to walk around, I have unittests doing it using expect(1), but it's not supposed to be easy. The trick is to modify /etc/sudoers.d/pkg-config (see TESTING).

LaKing commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the reply.

I use this in my workstation installation script. See here: http://d250.hu/pub/en/2014/01/12/workstation-install-script-for-fedora/ It uses the fedora/rpmfusion repository.

As for the EULA, the license should be agreed by the end user who is using it, not the administrator who is installing the software. Or?

leamas commented 10 years ago

Well, In a way you're right about approving. But practically, trademark owners accepts that the person installing the software accepts the EULA. Those who insists on an and-user agreement adds this functionality to the program.

You could test the fresh version of lpf using "yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update lpf". Usiing that , and the tricks described in TESTING you should be able to automate things.

leamas commented 10 years ago

Basically, this is not a bug. Closing, see comments in bug #19.