leamas / lpf

lpf - Local Package Factory
MIT License
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Add support for building packages for multiple architecture #4

Closed scaronni closed 10 years ago

scaronni commented 10 years ago

Packages that can exist in both format (i686/x86_64) in the same repository cannot be built together.


leamas commented 10 years ago

Both these examples extends lpf beyond it's current design goal to only handle leaf packages. To be honest, I have deferred this out of sheer laziness. Because depending on a lpf package is, by definition to depend on a manual procedure - whatever a lpf packages provides it's not there until it's built.

The flash plugin looks simple enough to work for me. Probably, steam should install and start whether it's there or not (?), having some kind of fallback if it's not there. Isn't this just a question of adding the lpf-flash-plugin package?

OTOH, the oracle case looks like something which really depends on oracle-libs. Since the creation of these libs can't be automated if they are lpf stuff, how is this supposed to work "scratching my head".

leamas commented 10 years ago

Flash plugin lpf package review request submitted. Closing this bug, as the rest refers to a non-leaf package which raises issuesmentioned above.