Open Seasawher opened 2 hours ago
Expr を作るところがややこい。Qq ライブラリで楽をしたい。
Zulip: how to use Qq library
import Lean
import Qq
open Qq
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Command
/-- 自作したコンストラクタ。ただし iff のみを分解できる -/
elab "iff_constructor" : tactic => do
let mvarId ← getMainGoal
let goalType ← getMainTarget
let_expr Iff a b := goalType
| throwError "Goal type is not of the form `a ↔ b`"
-- a と b を quotation ライブラリで利用可能にする
let a : Q(Prop) := a
let b : Q(Prop) := b
-- 1. Create new `_`s with appropriate types.
let mvarId1 ← mkFreshExprMVar q($a → $b) (userName := `mp)
let mvarId2 ← mkFreshExprMVar q($b → $a) (userName := `mpr)
let mvarId1 : Q($a → $b) := mvarId1
unquoteExpr: a✝ : Expr
let mvarId2 : Q($b → $a) := mvarId2
-- 2. Assign the main goal to the expression `Iff.intro _ _`.
-- mvarId.assign (mkAppN (Expr.const `Iff.intro []) #[a, b, mvarId1, mvarId2])
mvarId.assign q(@Iff.intro $a $b $mvarId1 $mvarId2)
-- 3. Report the new `_`s to Lean as the new goals.
modify fun _ => { goals := [mvarId1.mvarId!, mvarId2.mvarId!] }
example (p q : Prop) (h1 : p → q) (h2 : q → p) : p ↔ q := by
case mp => assumption
case mpr => assumption
Qq ライブラリで楽をする例
import Lean
import Qq
open Qq
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Command
/-- 自作したコンストラクタ。ただし iff のみを分解できる -/
elab "iff_constructor" : tactic => do
let mvarId ← getMainGoal
let goalType ← getMainTarget
let_expr Iff a b := goalType
| throwError "Goal type is not of the form `a ↔ b`"
-- a と b を quotation ライブラリで利用可能にする
have a : Q(Prop) := a
have b : Q(Prop) := b
let mvarId1 ← mkFreshExprMVarQ q($a → $b) (userName := `mp)
let mvarId2 ← mkFreshExprMVarQ q($b → $a) (userName := `mpr)
mvarId.assign q(@Iff.intro $a $b $mvarId1 $mvarId2)
modify fun _ => { goals := [mvarId1.mvarId!, mvarId2.mvarId!] }
example (p q : Prop) (h1 : p → q) (h2 : q → p) : p ↔ q := by
case mp => assumption
case mpr => assumption