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blog/type-hinting-get-the-hint #3

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Get the Hint - Type Hinting is Common Python | The When of Python Blog

How we handle type hinting will define the future of Python for good or bad. Type hinting is useful as glorified commenting and as such should be part of everyone's Everyday Python. It should be part of Common Python. Type hinting is likely to be widely used in the code people encounter so we all need to be comfortable reading simple type hinting. Some enterprise and library codebases will benefit from a more strict and enforced form of type


iokiwi commented 2 years ago

Adapted from my similar comment on the NZPUG Mailing List

-- I've started using type hinting as much as possible for new projects / code written in conjunction with 'mypy' for some checking and enforcement.

Personally I find it helps readability of code and also helps reinforce a clarity of thinking particularly around return types from functions and return types under conditions that aren't the happy path. It often makes me ask "Can I sensibly return that type or should I throw an exception?"

It pays dividends when reading otherwise unfamiliar code or a new library and when onboarding new team members and junior devs.

For existing/older projects it can be a bit of a headache to integrate if the code base has...how do I say it...taken full advantage of python's dynamic typing.... You may find that trying to add type hinting retrospectively unveils issues with mixed types being passed or returned. It's down to you/your team to decide how much effort to put into fixing that. In my opinion it's worth taking a crack as exercise anyways. It will either be a breeze or you'll identify inconsistent typing you may not have been aware of.

The two catalyzing factors that got me motivated for really embracing were.

I'd be interested to hear how other are using pythons type hinting to their advantage.

Final point, and call this an argument of popularity, but there appears to be consensus forming around the usefulness of static type checking.


Having now read your blog post properly, I would also add some following observations

grantps commented 2 years ago

Here is Robert Collins's comment from the NZPUG mailing list, included with his permission:

Interesting post, I don't agree with the presumption that function definitions that fully specify their input and output types are bad.

For an entire program under oh 40 lines of code, whatever goes.

Beyond that, there are many benefits from static analysis. You refer to 'just another static language', but static languages are not all equal. The experience of writing code in C, where nothing is inferred is very different to that of writing in Rust, where everything is inferred except for function signatures.

And that is functions specifically. Lambdas /closures/code blocks infer there as well.

Some of the rationale for that is language mechanics, but part of it is one that makes sense for python too, limitations in mypy aside. Which is that functions are our reusable units of code, and being clear about what we wrote them to do helps us decide when they are appropriate to use.

A good function signature with type information also reduces function documentation needs, since the types are documented directly. Only the content needs to be documented

Tl;dr: just as you should document what exceptions to expect, what parameters are used for, what is returned, and what a function does, you should also document the types of the input and output... And type hints are a way of doing that that is less likely to skew as the code base evolves.

ncoghlan commented 2 years ago

I like this summary of the topic, but one note on parameters with default values: the reason annotating "param=False" is unnecessary is that it being a "bool" parameter is inferred from the default value being a bool. Ditto for any other parameter with a meaningful default value.

Explicit annotations are only helpful when they add info:

One sign that type hints may be a good addition is when an existing docstring already provides the information in prose form.

reedwade commented 2 years ago

Where I'm working right now (started a year ago) we've got a very large python code base with a lot of moving parts.

There's a number of services and tools and we're turning into a large company (500 people now) with dev work happening in all the time zones.

For all that, it's unusually well organised and coherent.

We use type hinting as much as possible and we'd have serious problems if we didn't.

I have mixed feelings coming from a lot of Go prior to this. With Go, the typing is clear. You know it, your IDE knows it. Refactoring is safe and easy. Python type hinting feels and acts very bolted on and inconsistent to me in comparison. It feels like a lot of the time you need to specify the type but then still you have to be as careful as you used need to be anyway.

I really get cranky about how it seems to be difficult (for me) to work with type conversions when I need a thing to just be a string. I've spent a lot of hours angrily fighting the scheme in order to get work done -- knowing all the while that it's not even checked at run time.

But, when it does what it does best, it's great. Friday, it caught an important flaw I'd made in argument passing which would have caused us a lot of trouble and was otherwise hard to test for.

I'm learning to appreciate it.

I have started to use the notation for tiny scripts as it helps explain what I'm doing to myself.

Does it make sense for Everyday Python?

I've got strong yes and strong no feelings on that. I think moderate use could make sense and improve the experience for beginners.