lean / phaser-es6-webpack

A bootstrap project for create games with Phaser + ES6 + Webpack.
MIT License
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EXACT_FIT scaling issue #26

Closed llzionll closed 7 years ago

llzionll commented 7 years ago

please take a look at this post.


Same issue happens in this boiler-plate.

In this case, modify "main.js" like

-from- super(width, height, Phaser.AUTO, 'content', null)

-to- super(width, height, Phaser.AUTO, '', null)

erasing 4th parameter will work.

sorry for bad english and thank you for good boiler plate like this.

lean commented 7 years ago

what is the issue? please could you paste your source? If you are modifing the scale, that is not a problem with the proyect itself, because this proyect it is agnostic about scale.