lean / phaser-es6-webpack

A bootstrap project for create games with Phaser + ES6 + Webpack.
MIT License
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Cordova feature, tested on ios and browser #48

Closed RenaudRohlinger closed 6 years ago

RenaudRohlinger commented 6 years ago

Ok so I achieved what we talked before without the need of a "www" folder. The only thing I added is a config.xml and updated main.js and index.html The only problem is that we need to add cordova.js even in development mode so it will throw an error, but this is not really a problem, just a red line in the console. If the developer doesn't want to use cordova he should just remove the line : <script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script> (as mentionned in the code)

I added your informations in the config.xml by default and updated the readme for the instructions. Finally, I added myself as a contributor at the end of the readme if you ok with that ?