leancloud / ChatKit-OC

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关于对话页面头像圆角问题的解决方案 #348

Open kuopenx opened 6 years ago

kuopenx commented 6 years ago

Base Info for this issue

  1. ChatKit Version:1.0.0
  2. App-ID: XX
  3. Language:Objective-C
  4. iOS System Version:iOS10.3
  5. Prototype(是否是真机):NO
  6. Issue Type:Bug

1. How to repeat the problem.



3)_avatarImageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill;//防止特别长或者宽的图片显示不正常,防止图像太长会超出bounds,建议设置成此样式

2. Please help me in this way.

发现问题所在是头像设置圆角有个前提:frame不能是0,在设置了frame之后,圆角才能生效,亲测有效,可以在设置圆角代码前加上一句设置imageView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 50, 50);

3. Here is a Demo.

ChenYilong commented 6 years ago

fix in CYLChatKit https://github.com/ChenYilong/CYLChatKit/releases