leandrogehlen / yii2-querybuilder

Extension for Yii2 Framework to work with jQuery QueryBuilder
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Lowercase source path for query-builder asset #13

Closed Alex-Bond closed 5 years ago

Alex-Bond commented 6 years ago

Because of problems with case-sensitive filesystem this library doesn't work on linux.

leandrogehlen commented 6 years ago

I don't believe that it is a problem.


Alex-Bond commented 6 years ago

I tried on several servers and it always creating folders in lowercase. R u using FXP or asset-packagist? FPX is deprecated for yii and not recommended to use anymore.

leandrogehlen commented 6 years ago

Currently, the extension was developed fxp.

I don't know how to resolve, because it's necessary the extension works with both.

The probem is the composer.json was declared in lowercase: https://github.com/mistic100/jQuery-QueryBuilder/blob/dev/composer.json#L2

Alex-Bond commented 6 years ago

You can create version 2.0 without backward compatibility. As of 2.0.13 (https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/2.0/en/structure-assets#bower-npm-assets) official Yii recommendation is the usage of https://asset-packagist.org/ because of speed and bad practice of installing global requirements. Asset Packagist still using bower and npm but you dont need to install any global libs. Just add repo to composer.json and all bower-asset and npm-asset deps will work.

wezztt commented 5 years ago

hello! any news about current request?

i have the same problem http://prntscr.com/nckueo (Yii version 2.0.17)