leandrowkz / acmeframework-php

ACME Framework is a CodeIgniter powerful small application with a lot of features ready-to-use like login, users, permissions, menus, a powerful API and more.
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Module Builder Relations between two modules. #29

Open gcesario opened 8 years ago

gcesario commented 8 years ago

I built the builder modules and ClientesDomicilios the Customers module. I have added an action to show customers the homes of customers. Customer need to send the Controller address the client ID to filter by the field. I sent for session but has not worked for me. I try to receive as follows: select as cd.id_domicilio Code c.cuit as CUIT, c.razon_social as "Company Name" cd.descripcion, as cd.calle Street, cd.numero as number FROM cliente_domicilio cd c INNER JOIN customer ON cd.id_cliente = c Where .id_cliente c.id_cliente =. $ This-> session-> userdata ('item'). order by c.razon_social, cd.calle You should also be able to use that client_id to add or modify addresses Please could you help Cheers