leanflutter / auto_updater

This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to automatically update themselves (based on sparkle and winsparkle).
MIT License
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Issues with mac build locally and on github actions #39

Closed novas1r1 closed 1 year ago

novas1r1 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm not able to create a working release with the auto_update package.

I followed all the instructions, generated keys, put them in the Info.plist etc. When I run it locally the app is built, but I can't launch it. I'm not getting any information just this:

When I run it on the github actions pipeline I get the following:

'ERROR! Signing key not found for account ed25519. Please run generate_keys tool first or provide key with --ed-key-file <private_key_file>'

I haven't found anything in the documentation about that? Shouldn't it be enough to put the key in the Info.plist?

Would be super happy if someone could help me out, I wasted days on this already. Thanks in advance!

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lijy91 commented 1 year ago
  1. Can't launch app. Please try to build example and run it, run your application via command line, and check the output log

  2. Build in GitHub actions To build in GitHub actions, you need to export the signature file from your local machine and import it at build time. see: https://sparkle-project.org/documentation/

You can use the -x private-key-file and -f private-key-file options to export and import the keys respectively when transferring keys to another Mac. Otherwise we recommend keeping the keys inside your Mac’s keychain. Be sure to keep them safe and not lose them (they will be erased if your keychain or system is erased).