leanflutter / auto_updater

This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to automatically update themselves (based on sparkle and winsparkle).
MIT License
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'setFeedURL' is deprecated #57

Open cbenhagen opened 8 months ago

cbenhagen commented 8 months ago

The following warning is printed during build

/Users/ben/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dev/auto_updater-0.1.7/macos/Classes/AutoUpdater.swift:25:19: warning: 'setFeedURL' is deprecated: Please call -[SPUUpdater clearFeedURLFromUserDefaults] to migrate away from using this API and transition to either specifying the feed URL in your Info.plist, using channels in Sparkle 2, or using -[SPUUpdaterDelegate feedURLStringForUpdater:] to specify the dynamic feed URL at runtime
tt952789 commented 8 months ago

Same problem. I set the Sparkle version in the /macos/Podfile.lock file to 2.3.2. The warning disappeared.