leaningtech / cheerpj-meta

Run Java 8 applications, libraries, applets, Java Web Start, and Oracle Forms on the web without legacy plugins.
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Uncaught (in promise) #127

Closed ethanaobrien closed 3 years ago

ethanaobrien commented 3 years ago

localhost-1619814167315.log Console log above.

I am on chrome os Trying to run opsu: package name itdelatrisu.opsu.Opsu

marsicplusplus commented 3 years ago

Hi @ethanaobrien,

I was able to reproduce the issue and to locate the bug. It seems to be related to another problem we already have in our backlog and on which we should start to work on soon.

Thanks for the taking the time to report this to us, we will use this as a testcase as well and we´ll notify when this is solved.

ethanaobrien commented 3 years ago


I was testing another app and I think I have the same problem. This time, I have uploaded a zip containing the jar, jar.js, and a base index.html. The files are not in order though.

Is this the same problem or would you like me to open another issue?

zip file

marsicplusplus commented 3 years ago

Is this the original Minecraft .jar file? I'm not able to run this with "desktop java" either.

In any case, Minecraft won't work in CheerpJ as it uses JNI methods that are not implemented in CheerpJ for rendering 3D graphics. Implementing those JNI methods in CheerpJ is no currently in our plans.

ethanaobrien commented 3 years ago

@marsicplusplus That is understandable. I also do not think that this issue should be closed (yet) because my problem is itdelatrisu.opsu.Opsu. I just got a similar error with another file and was asking to see if it might be the same thing.

gl91306 commented 2 years ago

ive worked a bit more on this, and ive got the .minecraft folder and yoinked the libs and classes and everything to make it launch without the launcher

gl91306 commented 2 years ago

https://replit.com/@Tedisc00l/PowerfulBogusCable here it is. You have to start a python server with python3 -m http.server first to serve the files. it gets as far as initializing the graphics, but of course, since lwjgl is a native jni thing, it wont launch. to combat this, ive tried to implement the native methods for lwjgl myself. As seen here, the template for native methods was generated, and i managed to fill one file up. Screenshot 2021-11-17 10 34 55 AM i then thought everything would go smoothly, becuase all i would have to do would be to change all the opengl parts to webgl. I then realized I wouldn't know how to fill most of the methods, so i looked in to cheerp to compile the c files here i got preety far, but i got an error ;-;. here is my progres in doing so: here If you want to try it yourself you can.