leaningtech / cheerpj-meta

Run Java 8 applications, libraries, applets, Java Web Start, and Oracle Forms on the web without legacy plugins.
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Invoke dynamic not supported? #151

Closed priand closed 2 years ago

priand commented 2 years ago

I have some code compiled with Java 17 on Mac. Failure compiling xxxx/Snippet.class command: /Users/priand/temp/cheerpj/bin/cheerpj -llvm -llvm-exceptions -cp /var/folders/yg/x7ktz18n5zv4tsy7cm1ymd6m0000gn/T/tmp5zgs_eqi/rt.jar.dir/ xxxx/Snippet.class Loading class xxxx/Snippet and dependencies Could not open class java/lang/invoke/StringConcatFactory Unsupported LLVM generation for opcode ba In function tryTextResource Assertion failed: (false), function compileOpcode, file CheerpJCompilerMethod.cpp, line 2349. SUPPORT CONSTANT 8

carlopi commented 2 years ago

CheerpJ currently expect Java 8 as input, and this is likely to be the source of the problem.

Depending on the codebase it may be possible to render it compatible with Java 8, otherwise I would recommend to evaluate CheerpJ with an alternative project based on Java 8.

priand commented 2 years ago

Thank you - Java 17 is a requirement for me. Do you have any plan to upgrade?

carlopi commented 2 years ago

Work is currently being carried on to support other Java versions (and their runtimes).

For commercial interest, do get in touch with info@leaningtech.com and you might further discuss your use-case / timeline & other relevant issue.
