Hey! I was playing with lean auto and found some wired bug involving simple type classes. Lean auto sometimes fails to translate typeclasses which depend on arbitrary types. For instance:
import Auto.Tactic
set_option auto.smt true
set_option auto.smt.trust true
set_option trace.auto.smt.printCommands true
set_option trace.auto.smt.result true
class foo (t : Type) where
le : t -> t -> Prop
example [foo Nat] (x y : Nat) : foo.le x y := by
auto -- calls smt solver, but fails to find a proof
example {α : Type} [foo α] (x y : α) : foo.le x y := by
auto -- fails to translate (and doen't even call the solver) with the following error:
getSexp :: Malformed (prefix of) input (
;; universe for smti_1:
;; smti_1!val!1 smti_1!val!0
;; -----------
;; definitions for universe elements:
(declare-fun smti_1!val!1 () smti_1)
(declare-fun smti_1!val!0 () smti_1)
;; cardinality constraint:
(forall ((x smti_1)) (or (= x smti_1!val!1) (= x smti_1!val!0)))
;; -----------
(define-fun valid_fact_0 () Bool
(not (smti_3 smti_0 smti_2)))
(define-fun smti_2 () smti_1
(define-fun smti_0 () smti_1
(define-fun smti_3 ((x!0 smti_1) (x!1 smti_1)) Bool
Could you help me with this issue? Is it a fundamental limitation or just a bug?
Hey! I was playing with lean auto and found some wired bug involving simple type classes. Lean auto sometimes fails to translate typeclasses which depend on arbitrary types. For instance:
Could you help me with this issue? Is it a fundamental limitation or just a bug?