leanprover-community / lean-perfectoid-spaces

Perfectoid spaces in the Lean formal theorem prover.
Apache License 2.0
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Documentation #31

Open kbuzzard opened 5 years ago

kbuzzard commented 5 years ago

The code should somehow be documented. My dream for this would be that the low-level files (like valuation.basic) just get big comment blocks at the top explaining the API of the file, and the higher level files get LaTeX code which could be read using Patrick's formatter. I am a bit unclear about what exactly we can do here, but ultimately now we have the code I think that we should be thinking about trying to make what we have more accessible to mathematicians.

jcommelin commented 4 years ago

The list of files (sorted, somehow) that is not in for_mathlib/:

jcommelin commented 4 years ago

For the files that are not in sheaves/ or for_mathlib:

There is still a list of TODO's, and things can be quite improved. But this list seems to have served it's purpose.

PatrickMassot commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your amazing efforts with this list Johan!

jcommelin commented 4 years ago

I didn't close this on purpose, because Kevin's first post contains a bunch of stuff that hasn't been done yet. (Even though, it's not likely that we'll get to it soon.)