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Hover help for 'obtain' sometimes fail #26

Open anders-was-here opened 1 month ago

anders-was-here commented 1 month ago

Hovering help for 'obtain' tactic unexpectedly fail in one of the two example lemmas in the same window. Tested in Firefox and Chromium.

import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Basic

example (a b a' b' : ℂ) (h : (fun z => a * z + b) = fun z => a' * z + b') : a = a' := by
apply congr_fun at h
obtain rfl: b = b' := by  -- Hovering over obtain unexpectedly displays "x✝ : b = b'"
  specialize h 0
  simp at h; exact h

specialize h 1
simp at h
exact h

example (a: Prop) : a -> a := by

obtain h: 3 = 3 -- Hovering over obtain displays useful help "The obtain tactic is a combination..."



Zulip discussion: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Stuck.20on.20fun.20in.20hypothesis

anders-was-here commented 1 month ago

But the example abover produces the same hover issue in Visual Studio, so the root cause is likely somewhere else.

joneugster commented 1 month ago

Lean4web does copy most of the code from the "vscode-lean4" extension, although it hasnt been updated for ages. If the error appears in VScode , too. it would be useful tonfogure out if its a problem in the extension or somewhere in core even, and fix it there first.

anders-was-here commented 1 month ago

One small thing, it seems to be the := symbol that kills the hoover text. Here is a smaller example, without import.

example  : True := by
obtain h: True := by  -- Hovering over obtain unexpectedly displays "True"

example (a: Prop) : a -> a := by
obtain h: 3 = 3 -- Hovering over obtain displays useful help "The obtain tactic is a combination..."