leanprover-community / mathport

Mathport is a tool for porting Lean3 projects to Lean4
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feat: support `using_well_founded` #202

Closed digama0 closed 1 year ago

digama0 commented 1 year ago

This is blocked on leanprover-community/lean#784 making its way through the pipeline.

The output, while syntactically correct, is pretty rough:

theorem WellFounded.asymmetric {α : Sort _} {r : α → α → Prop} (h : WellFounded r) : ∀ ⦃a b⦄, r a b → ¬r b a
  | a => fun b hab hba => WellFounded.asymmetric hba hab termination_by' ⟨_, h⟩decreasing_by assumption

This will need to be fixed in core though. where clause formatting is also broken in a similar way:

/-- The characteristic of the product of rings is the least common multiple of the
characteristics of the two rings. -/
instance [CharP S q] :
    CharP (R × S)
      (Nat.lcm p
        q) where cast_eq_zero_iff := by
    simp [Prod.ext_iff, CharP.cast_eq_zero_iff R p, CharP.cast_eq_zero_iff S q, Nat.lcm_dvd_iff]