leanprover / lean4

Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover
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`simp` uglifies `ofScientific` pretty printing #3194

Closed girving closed 5 months ago

girving commented 5 months ago



Scientific literals like 0.123712 pretty print nicely, but simp only messes up the pretty printing. Here's an example with no imports:

theorem with_number : (0.123712 : Float) < 0.8482312 := by
  -- Goal print as `0.123712 < 0.8482312`
  simp only
  -- Goal prints as `OfScientific.ofScientific 123712 true 6 < OfScientific.ofScientific 8482312 true 7`


Zulip discussion

This came up for me because I'm working on tightening some bounds of nonlinear functions, and weird numbers naturally appear.

Steps to Reproduce

See repro above.


% lean --version
Lean (version 4.5.0-rc1, commit b614ff1d12bc, Release)


Add :+1: to issues you consider important. If others are impacted by this issue, please ask them to add :+1: to it.

eric-wieser commented 5 months ago

A slightly simpler reproduction is #simp 0.5, which also outputs OfScientific.ofScientific ...

hrmacbeth commented 5 months ago

Duplicate of https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/2159?

girving commented 5 months ago

Yep, duplicate, apologies for not noticing the previous issue.