leanprover / lean4

Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover
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Failure of type inference in autoImplicit #3651

Open hargoniX opened 6 months ago

hargoniX commented 6 months ago



def go (decls : Array Nat) (h : 0 < decls.size) : Bool := sorry
theorem go_foo (x : Nat) (decls : Array Nat) : go decls h = true := sorry

This code throws an error in the theorem statement of go_foo while trying to figure out the correct type for h:

application type mismatch
  go decls h
has type
  ?m.56 : Sort ?u.55
but is expected to have type
  0 < Array.size decls : Prop

which is rather surprising given that there are mvars on the one side and concrete values on the other side. The error can be fixed by changing the theorem statement as follows:

theorem go_foo' (x : Nat) (decls : Array Nat) h : go decls h = true := sorry

@nomeata conjectures that this is because autoImplicit variables are inserted at the beginning of the arguments list which makes it impossible to model the dependency on decl.


In my practical code the statement behind h is large so I would like to avoid writing it out, while I can manage to do that with the mentioned workaround it would be nice if we had better UX here.

Expected behavior: If Joachim is right, either addressing this issue to allow for such autoImplicits or producing a more reasonable error for a user is probably the way to go.

Actual behavior: Confusing mvar error.




Add :+1: to issues you consider important. If others are impacted by this issue, please ask them to add :+1: to it.

leodemoura commented 6 months ago

@nomeata conjectures that this is because autoImplicit variables are inserted at the beginning of the arguments list which makes it impossible to model the dependency on decl.


Another possible workaround it to use auto implicit for decls too.

theorem go_foo' (x : Nat) : go decls h = true := sorry