Open nomeata opened 7 months ago
Another possible fix could be
+ try omega
repeat (first | apply Prod.Lex.right | apply Prod.Lex.left)
repeat (first | apply PSigma.Lex.right | apply PSigma.Lex.left)
Not very disciplined, and will run omega
twice since it is also part of trivial_decreasing
(maybe remove it there then?), but maybe good enough as an interim solution.
Hmm, now that I think about it, I am not sure why I abandoned my attempt at letting decreasing_with
handle this correctly. I vaguely remember playing with a variant of decreasing_with
that is smarter about this, at the expense of requiring backtracking.
Am I right that Lean does not support backtracking across ;
, in the sense that (first | a | b) ; c
(or a variant thereof) will try a;c
first and if that fails (in a or c), will try b;c
, right?
Then probably this needs something like
syntax "solve_lex" tacticSeq : tactic
| `(tactic| solve_lex $ts:tacticSeq) =>
`(tactic| first | (apply Prod.Lex.right ; ($ts))
| solve | apply Prod.Lex.left
| apply Prod.Lex.right
. $ts
. solve_lex $ts
| $ts)
(if that is reasonable, with all the recursion and duplication and hopefully correct backtracking) to be used as
macro "decreasing_with " ts:tacticSeq : tactic =>
solve_lex (
| done
| $ts
| fail "failed to prove termination, possible solutions:
- Use `have`-expressions to prove the remaining goals
- Use `termination_by` to specify a different well-founded relation
- Use `decreasing_by` to specify your own tactic for discharging this kind of goal")
I’ll try that the coming week if none beats me to it.
@brunodurtertre repored another instance of this issue:
variable {α: Type} [BEq α] [LE α] [DecidableRel ((· : α) ≤ ·)]
-- search whether we can split w into two subwords w₁ and w₂ such that
-- p₁ w₁ and p₂ w₂ are true
def search_split (w: List α) (p₁ p₂: List α → Bool): Bool :=
loop 0
where loop (i: Nat): Bool :=
if h : i ≤ w.length then
p₁ (w.take i) && p₂ (w.drop i) || loop (i + 1)
else false
termination_by w.length + 1 - i
def in_range (w: List α) (b c: α): Bool :=
if h: w.length = 1 then b ≤ w[0] && w[0] ≤ c else false
inductive Regex (α: Type)
| none
| empty
| word (w₀: List α)
| concat (a: Array (Regex α))
| union (a: Array (Regex α))
| intersection (a: Array (Regex α))
| range (b c: α)
| star (r₀: Regex α)
| plus (r₀: Regex α)
| all_char
-- check wether `w` is in `r`
def in_re (w: List α) (r: Regex α): Bool :=
match r with
| .none => false
| .empty => w.isEmpty
| .word w₀ => w == w₀
| .concat a => in_concat w a 0
| .union a => ∃ i, i < a.size ∧ ∀ (k: i < a.size), in_re w a[i]
| .intersection a => ∀ i, (k: i < a.size) → in_re w a[i]
| .range b c => in_range w b c
| .star r₀ => in_star w r₀
| .plus r₀ => in_plus w r₀
| .all_char => w.length == 1
termination_by (sizeOf r, w.length, 0)
-- check whether `w` is in `r*`
def in_star (w: List α) (r: Regex α): Bool :=
w.isEmpty || in_plus w r
termination_by (sizeOf r, w.length, 2)
-- check whether `w` is in `r+`
def in_plus (w: List α) (r: Regex α): Bool :=
in_re w r ||
search_split w
(fun w₀ => if w₀.length < w.length then in_re w₀ r else false)
(fun w₀ => if w₀.length < w.length then in_plus w₀ r else false)
termination_by (sizeOf r, w.length, 1)
-- check whether `w` is in `a[i] ++ .. ++ a[n-1]` (where n = a.size)
def in_concat (w: List α) (a: Array (Regex α)) (i: Nat): Bool :=
if h: i < a.size then
search_split w
(fun w₀ => if w₀.length ≤ w.length then in_re w₀ a[i] else false)
(fun w₀ => if w₀.length ≤ w.length then in_concat w₀ a (i+1) else false)
termination_by (sizeOf a, w.length, a.size - i)
-- This decreasing_by clause is needed in 4.11.0 (without it, we get unprovable goals).
-- This is fixed upstream:
all_goals (simp_wf; simp [Prod.lex_def])
Worth adding as a test case once we tackle this.
Consider this terminating function
Here is what happens: GuessLex looks at how
decrease in each call, and finds out that(n, m)
is a suitable termination measure: In the second call,n
decreases non-strictly (≤) andm
decreases strictly (<). Because GuessLex looks at how each of these behave separately, this looks promising, and it setsBut then the default
is not able to make use sense of this, becausecan only handle
(<, ?)
and(=, <)
, (with=
being defeq), but not(≤, <)
. When I wrote GuessLex I was hoping to improve thedecreasing_tactic
behavior along it, but revamping that did not happen yet.Incidentially, omega has some (incomplete) support for Prod.Lex, that’s why
Probably GuessLex should not even look for
, at least not until the default termination tactic can handle that, as unfortunate as that is.Versions
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