leanprover / lean4

Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover
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`lake update` should print a warning, if moving dependencies to a later toolchain than the local toolchain #4103

Open kim-em opened 4 months ago

kim-em commented 4 months ago

Recently a @BoltonBailey was trying to run lake update in their https://github.com/BoltonBailey/formal-snarks-project project (see commit 6159c012f69556d2adbc3207b5bcdb29e7a3e9e8 if you'd like to be able to reproduce).

They received the output:

$ lake update
mathlib: updating repository './.lake/packages/mathlib' to revision '294ff6a495e19ae5a32188033d6e487ca42aded5'
Qq: updating repository './.lake/packages/Qq' to revision '53156671405fbbd5402ed17a79bd129b961bd8d6'
aesop: updating repository './.lake/packages/aesop' to revision '2225b0e4a3528da20499e2304b521e0c4c2a4563'
proofwidgets: updating repository './.lake/packages/proofwidgets' to revision 'e6b6247c61280c77ade6bbf0bc3c66a44fe2e0c5'
Cli: updating repository './.lake/packages/Cli' to revision 'a11566029bd9ec4f68a65394e8c3ff1af74c1a29'
error: ./.lake/packages/aesop/lakefile.toml:1:0: error: unexpected identifier; expected command
error: ./.lake/packages/aesop/lakefile.toml: package configuration has errors

The underlying problem here is that the project was still on v4.4.0-rc1, and the upstream repository aesop has now moved to a lakefile.toml, which of course can't be understood by v4.4.0-rc1.

The underlying cause --- that in order for lake update to be successful, the user will need to update their lean-toolchain --- is completely invisible here, and unresolvable without coming to zulip to ask for help.

Going forward, how can lake help here? It seems that as soon as it has checked out each upstream repo (e.g. starting with Mathlib), lake can notice that it is on a later toolchain, and issue a warning.

The warning should explain that the dependency is on a later toolchain, and suggest one of three options:

  1. Update the lean-toolchain in the current project.
  2. Pin the dependency on a particular commit or sha (ideally, in this case, being clever enough to suggest pinning mathlib to v4.4.0-rc1, or even better there would be a way to say "I want mathlib at the tag corresponding to my toolchain", as we've seen users such as @joneugster doing in https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/v4.2E8.2E0-rc1.20discussion/near/437228497).
  3. Add some way to say in the require statement: "look, I know this dependency is going to be on a later toolchain, I am an expert, please don't warn me about it".
kim-em commented 4 months ago

It's happened before: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Get.20mathlib.20cache.20after.20updating.20mathlib.20dependency/near/392109769 :-)

fpvandoorn commented 4 months ago

This also had this happen to a student just now.

fpvandoorn commented 4 months ago

Additional suggestions:

I'm just brainstorming ideas here. @tydeu probably has a better idea what is good here.