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When instance synthesis fails due to a missing metavariable, other paths are not tried #4213

Closed sgouezel closed 2 weeks ago

sgouezel commented 2 weeks ago


Please put an X between the brackets as you perform the following steps:


When instance synthesis fails due to a missing metavariable, other paths are not tried.


This example came from my investigations of why set_option backward.synthInstance.canonInstances false is needed a lot in mathlib in probability theory files.

Steps to Reproduce

Run the following code in the last nightly.

class FooClass (α : Type _) : Prop where

-- set_option backward.synthInstance.canonInstances false in -- the instance is found if you uncomment this line
theorem bar (α ι : Type _) [FooClass α] (f : ι → FooClass α) : FooClass α := by infer_instance

Expected behavior: [Clear and concise description of what you expect to happen]

The instance should be found. First, f should be tried to provide the instance, but since there is no way to find the metavariable in f ?m.36, instance search should go on, and find the instance coming from [FooClass α].

Actual behavior: [Clear and concise description of what actually happens]

The instance is not found, because instance search stops after trying (and failing) f ?m.36. Note that the instance is found if one uncomments the line set_option backward.synthInstance.canonInstances false in, but I don't see why this should be relevant.




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