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RFC: f.eq_unfold lemmas #5110

Closed nomeata closed 2 months ago

nomeata commented 2 months ago


For a function definition like Option.map we currently (well, for non-recursive only after #4154) create two kinds of rewrite lemmas 👍🏻

Users can use this with simp or rw to control how aggressive the function should be unfolded. For example, rw [Option.map] will leave map x in place, but rw [Option.map.eq_def] will unfold it.

In this “algebra of rewrite specificity” there is a spot that we are missing and that might be useful:

One particular use-case for this is to rewrite with rw under binders where that isn't possible with f.eq_def:

theorem Option.map.eq_unfold : @Option.map = fun {α : Type u1} {β : Type u2} (f : α → β) x => match x with | .some x => some (f x) | .none => none := by

example : List.map (fun x => Option.map f x) xs = xs := by
  fail_if_success rw [Option.map]
  fail_if_success rw [Option.map.eq_def]
  rw [Option.map.eq_unfold]
  ⊢ List.map
    (fun x =>
      (fun {α β} f x =>
          match x with
          | some x => some (f x)
          | none => none)
        f x)
    xs =

This would probably also have helped with #5026.


As always, naming is hard. Some options:


Various ways to skin the cat, specially with regard to the existing getUnfoldFor? machinery.

One plausible path of least disruption is to have a single (non-extensible) generator for f.eq_unfold that looks at f.eq_def to compute the lemma statement (by moving binders to the RHS), and then proves it by rfl if possible and else using funext and f.eq_def.

Future steps

Once this is in, I imagine it might be a worthwhile refactoring to make it so that only the generation of f.unfold is extensible (wf, structural, non-rec, maybe #3119), and then f.eq_def and f.eq_1 are generated by lean from that definition. More uniform, less code. This should not prevent those theorems to be proven by Eq.rfl if possible.

Community Feedback

Ideas should be discussed on the Lean Zulip prior to submitting a proposal. Summarize all prior discussions and link them here.


Add :+1: to issues you consider important. If others benefit from the changes in this proposal being added, please ask them to add :+1: to it.

nomeata commented 2 months ago

Edit: Suggesting name f.eq_unfold instead of f.unfold to not break as much code out there.