leanprover / lean4

Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover
Apache License 2.0
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INTERNAL PANIC: unreachable code has been reached #5774

Open gyk opened 1 week ago

gyk commented 1 week ago


Please put an X between the brackets as you perform the following steps:


My code #evals to correct result, but running the executable built from it triggers a panic: "INTERNAL PANIC: unreachable code has been reached".

Steps to Reproduce

  1. lake new Tree
  2. Edit the code:

    -- ./Tree/Basic.lean
    inductive Tree : Nat → Type where
      | leaf : Nat → Tree 0
      | branch : {d: Nat} → Tree d → Tree d → Tree (d + 1)
    instance : ToString (Tree 0) where
      toString : Tree 0 → String
      | .leaf k => s!"Leaf({k})"
    instance [ToString (Tree d)] : ToString (Tree (d + 1)) where
      toString : Tree (d + 1) → String
      | .branch l r => s!"Branch({toString l}, {toString r})"
    -- ./Main.lean
    import Tree
    def myTree :=
        (Tree.branch (Tree.leaf 0) (Tree.leaf 1))
        (Tree.branch (Tree.leaf 2) (Tree.leaf 3))
    def main : IO Unit :=
      IO.println s!"{myTree}"
  3. lake build
  4. Run the executable:

    Tree> .\.lake\build\bin\tree.exe
    INTERNAL PANIC: unreachable code has been reached


Lean 4.9.0, 4.12.0 (x86_64-w64-windows-gnu, commit dc2533473114, Release) Windows 11 23H2

tydeu commented 1 week ago

To elaborate on the problem here a bit: there are empty closed terms in main, so the underlying problem is similar to #1965.

set_option trace.compiler.ir.result true in
def main : IO Unit :=
  IO.println s!"{myTree}"
def main._closed_1 : obj :=
  let x_1 : obj := "";
  ret x_1
def main._closed_2 : obj :=
def main._closed_3 : obj :=
  let x_1 : obj := main._closed_2;
  let x_2 : obj := main._closed_1;
  let x_3 : obj := String.append x_1 x_2;
  dec x_2;
  ret x_3