leanprover / lean4

Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover
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Quotation does not detect ambiguity #6101

Open jthulhu opened 1 week ago

jthulhu commented 1 week ago


Please put an X between the brackets as you perform the following steps:


In the following example, the expr syntax category has two rules, which create an ambiguity: an ident can be directly an expression, or a nullary application. Ideally, this should trigger a warning or an error, but it doesn't, and, although just by looking at the source code, it looks like all the cases of the parse tree are handled, the expression f x reaches the catchall case.

import Lean

open Lean Meta Elab
open Lean.Elab.Command (liftTermElabM)

declare_syntax_cat expr
syntax "#demo " expr : command
syntax:60 ident expr:61* : expr
syntax:90 ident : expr

partial def elab_expr : Lean.TSyntax `expr → CoreM Unit
  | `(expr| $_:ident) => return ()
  | `(expr| $_:ident $args:expr*) => do
    for arg in args do
      elab_expr arg
  | s => throwErrorAt s m!"{repr s}"

elab_rules : command
  | `(command| #demo $expr) => liftTermElabM <| elab_expr expr

#demo f x


See the zulip thread where this issue was first reported.


Tested on Lean 4.12.0 on a NixOS/nixpkgs unstable computer, and on Lean nightly on live.lean-lang.org.


Add :+1: to issues you consider important. If others are impacted by this issue, please ask them to add :+1: to it.