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Broken links to other `leanprover` organization GitHub Pages deployments #109

Closed pszenher closed 7 months ago

pszenher commented 7 months ago

The most recent redeployment of the lean-lang.org site (pages build and deployment #62) seems to have broken all site links to GitHub Pages deployments by other leanprover organization projects.

These include (organized by the lean-lang.org site page they are present on):

As of this morning (prior the most recent deployment), the above links were working as expected on the lean-lang.org site.

It looks like these all used to be absolute links to the https://leanprover.github.io/ domain, but were rewritten within the past month to be relative paths for lean-lang.org. Each of these URL paths are still up and functional relative to the https://leanprover.github.io/ domain.