Welcome to the LEANSTACKS React starter project. This project provides a template to kickstart React single-page applications utilizing a curated Technology Stack for optimal testability, maintainability, and operability.
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:wrench: Change Summary
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Issue: #69
Upgrade from ESLint 8 to 9
:memo: Checklist
Pull request authors must complete the following tasks before marking the PR as ready to review.
[x] Complete a self-review of changes
[x] Unit tests have been created or updated
[x] The code is free of [new] lint errors and warnings
:test_tube: Steps to Test
Describe the process to test the changes in this pull request.
Code is free of lint errors and warnings.
Regression test.
:link: Additional Information
Optionally, provide additional details, screenshots, or URLs that may assist the reviewer.
It is possible that the React Hooks ESLint plugin is not fully compatible with the required ESLint flat config approach based upon some open issues in that project. While it does not fail when running ESLint, neither does it produce any errors or warnings when there are violations. It appears the next release will resolve this problem.
:loudspeaker: Instructions
:wrench: Change Summary
List the changes included in this pull request.
:memo: Checklist
Pull request authors must complete the following tasks before marking the PR as ready to review.
:test_tube: Steps to Test
Describe the process to test the changes in this pull request.
:link: Additional Information
Optionally, provide additional details, screenshots, or URLs that may assist the reviewer.