learex-zz / macOS-eGPU

Make your Mac compatible with NVIDIA and AMD eGPUs. (macOS High Sierra)
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Very laggy experience #20

Open elertan opened 6 years ago

elertan commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have ran the script without any parameters, which I assume installed the Nvidia Driver(s) fine. But whenever I plug in my thunderbolt 3 cable when the laptop is off, turn it on and start using the dual monitor setup connected to the GTX 1080 inside of the eGPU enclosure (Razer Core X) I get a very laggy experience. Everything regarding UI actions causes lag and basic window moving takes around 5-10 seconds to complete visually, I'm pretty certain it doesn't have to do with the hardware itself, as I've also created a Bootcamp partition (windows 10) which is also using the same setup with great performance.

My setup is:

I also have installed the latest public version of Mac OS (10.13.6) including the supplemental update (which fixes thermal issues).

Any ideas what could be going wrong? If you need more info please ask 😄 .


elertan commented 6 years ago

Here is some more information:

macOS-eGPU.sh (v1.3)

Listing installation status of packages...
   NVIDIA driver                                           [387.]
   NVIDIA eGPU enabler                                           [not installed]
   AMD legacy drivers                                            [not installed]
   T82 unblocker                                                 [not installed]
   NVIDIA dGPU                                                   [not available]
   NVIDIA macOS 10.13.4/.5 patch                                 [not installed]
   IO PCIE Tunnelled patch                                           [installed]
   unlocked thunderbolt version                                              [3]
   thunderbolt daemon                                            [not installed]
      CUDA drivers                                               [not installed]
      CUDA developer drivers                                     [not installed]
      CUDA toolkit                                               [not installed]
      CUDA samples                                               [not installed]
Listing system information...
   macOS version                                                       [10.13.6]
   macOS build                                                         [17G2208]
   SIP status                                                                [0]
   thunderbolt interface version                                             [3]
   eGPU information
      connected eGPU                                                     [false]
   NVIDIA dGPU                                                           [false]
   AGW version                                                 [10.13.6:17G2208]

Might it be due to NVIDIA eGPU enabler [not installed] not being installed?

elertan commented 6 years ago

I have noticed that closing the lit of the MacBook in reboot causes the internal display to not be used, which resolves some of the issues Im having. The lag is gone but some other apps are acting up now. Also the internal was just black when the lit was open before, that might be the cause of the issue?

cj commented 6 years ago

@elertan you are not alone, I have the exact same issue (with the exact same setup as yourself). @learex and I have gone back and forth over possible things https://github.com/learex/macOS-eGPU/issues/18#issuecomment-407749624. I think it boils down to Electron apps (Slack, Spotify, etc.) and Chrome forcing it to use the dGPU, which then causes everything to just crap out but only with the setup we have @elertan.

learex-zz commented 6 years ago

@elertan the eGPU enabler is only relevant for macOS 10.13.5 and lower. The patch you need (IO PCIe ...) is already installed. I’m not having any issues on my '16 15" MBP. This seems to be a new thing for the '18 models. You might try what @cj discovered and report back.

elertan commented 6 years ago

Ah when I carefully read the description I also came to the same conclusion @learex about the eGPU enabler. I will do some more tests regarding chromium based apps, as @cj said. Maybe disabling hardware acceleration returns a lot of the performance? I'll read https://github.com/learex/macOS-eGPU/issues/18#issuecomment-407749624 and post my results here! Thanks guys.

elertan commented 6 years ago

I can confirm the issues have to do with chromium! Logging in as guest (without using Spotify or Chrome) has no lag at all. @cj @learex

elertan commented 6 years ago

I've done some more testing, the issues really only happen with Chromium based apps, disabling hardware acceleration in chrome didn't fix the issue for me. Other than that this is a buttery smooth experience! I hope there will be fixes out soon, because I can't use the eGPU setup now because I heavily rely on apps such as Chrome, VS Code, WhatsApp and Spotify : ( @learex

learex-zz commented 6 years ago

@elertan well atm, I have neither the resources (nMBP) nor the time to investigate. It might take quite some time...

elertan commented 6 years ago

@learex I definitely understand, but I really appreciate any effort towards this and the tool you’ve setup so far!

naturemind commented 6 years ago

I've also encountered a very laggy experience in macOS only. I have a 15" 2017 MBP with the 560 dGPU. For an eGPU I have the Gigabyte Aorus GTX 1080 Gaming Box. The script installs fine and everything seems fine. I start up macOS, plug in the eGPU at the login screen, the eGPU fans kick on and it lights up, and the external monitor turns on, is able to be set to 144Hz, G-Sync enabled, everything.

Then I start up any game (I've tried Fortnite and any game through the Battle.net launcher or through Steam) and the frame rate for the entire system goes down to 3-4 FPS. The screen of the MBP goes black. It remains like this until I quit the game, and then everything goes back to normal, running as smoothly as can be.

It is worth noting that in Windows 10 via Boot Camp, everything runs like butter and is incredibly good. I would love to get this 1080 running for macOS gaming. In the meantime I just only use the eGPU when booting into Windows 10.

Thank you so much for all your work @learex and I understand fixing this takes time and effort and knowledge. If I can help, I will try.