learn-co-curriculum / positioning-elements-with-css

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Code/Examples Missing #6

Open ajkelso opened 4 years ago

ajkelso commented 4 years ago

Some code snippets seem to be missing from the positioning-elements-with-css lesson.

"...rom, the element floated left, right, or elements floating with either using both. An example of using float for layout structure can be seen in the snippet below: SNIPPET MISSING HERE In this scenario, we want the footer to cleanly display below all the columns. In order to get the footer to clear past the height of any floating content we can use the clear property."

Sdcrouse commented 4 years ago

The elements are there, but they're not displaying properly for some reason. The code snippets are all <iframe>s, and they seem to be conflicting with the Markdown and/or Learn app itself. I did find a temporary fix, though:

  1. Go to the lesson's README at https://github.com/learn-co-curriculum/positioning-elements-with-css/blob/master/README.md
  2. In the top-right corner, click the "Raw" button. You'll be able to see the raw Markdown for this lesson.
  3. Each time you see an <iframe>, copy it and go back to the Learn lesson.
  4. Right-click on the paragraph right above where that <iframe> should be and select "Inspect".
  5. The <p> tag for that paragraph should be selected. Now, right-click on it and select "Edit as HTML".
  6. Next to the closing <p> tag, paste in the <iframe>.
  7. Click just to the left of that <p> tag without going outside of the Inspector. The <iframe> should now show up on the page properly.
  8. Lastly, repeat Steps 3-7 for the other <iframe> elements.

Hope that helps!