learn-co-curriculum / rspec-fizzbuzz

Fizzbuzz with RSpec Tutorial
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Some suggestions for the structure of the FizzBuzz lesson #61

Closed CodeByLine closed 8 years ago

CodeByLine commented 8 years ago

The FizzBuzz lesson can use some fine-tuning. For one thing, the goals and the means seem to be all mangled up. It took me a long time to figure out what it was I was supposed to do.

The TDD environment, up till this point, is pretty clear. So this lesson should succinctly make that point and not dwell too much--the learner is not expected to modify the spec file, is she?

The goal of the lesson ought to be: Use the conditional statements in the method while checking the error messages.

AnnJohn commented 8 years ago

thanks for raising this issue @CodeByLine. TDD is a super important part of development and we try to bring it in wherever we can. Yes, to solve this lab involves conditional statements, but we also want students to get a better understanding of TDD here and what they're actually doing when they're reading error messages and what things mean.