learn-co-curriculum / rspec-fizzbuzz

Fizzbuzz with RSpec Tutorial
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A few updates needed: syntax, file name (and edit option from Learn.co) #79

Closed CaptRat closed 7 years ago

CaptRat commented 7 years ago

When summarizing why to understand Rspec, the text says "You won't have to write your own tests for a while, so don't worry about mastering the expect, to, and eq usage. The important part is that you can read the DSL and understand what it is trying to suggest." I think that wording was unnecessarily fuzzy: "The important part is that you can read the DSL and understand how the test confirms (or fails) the code's intention."

There are a few "typos" in the chapter : "From within rspec-fizzbuzz-v-000 (In Community-Powered bootcamp, this library is rspec-fizzbuzz-cb-000!) , fire up irb, the Interactive Ruby Shell, a real-time Ruby prompt for executing arbitrary code."

Test Run Summary rspec Run options: include {:focus=>true} All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true} FFFF The first two lines of output are descriptive; RSpec is simply telling us what it did." THERE IS NO LINE WITH FFFF ANYMORE. "Each F stands for a failure."

Also, the Edit option inside Flatiron's Learn.co page doesn't work. Continual "Unable to submit. Please try again." no matter what changes were tried.

Joll59 commented 7 years ago

@CaptRat Thank you for the feedback, I have implemented some of the changes you suggested. I am closing this issue for now.