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What's Your Mission? #2

Open ericelliott opened 9 years ago

ericelliott commented 9 years ago

Find Your Mission

Take a short break and write these down:

Now, keep all of these things in mind, and answer the following question:

Make it a good one. If you think there's really a chance you could accomplish the mission, you're probably not aiming high enough. Don't be afraid to really aim high.

Good examples

Chances are, no matter what your mission is, programming can help you do it.

ericelliott commented 9 years ago

Three things that motivate you.

  1. People
  2. Better technology
  3. Big problems that need solving

Three things you love.

  1. People
  2. Music
  3. Tech

Three causes you're passionate about.

  1. Helping the homeless
  2. Reducing poverty
  3. Increasing access to life-changing technology

Three things you wish you could change about the world.

  1. Less Homelessness
  2. More prosperity
  3. Less violence

If you had to pick one mission in life, what would it be?

End Homelessness

dabielf commented 9 years ago

Three things that motivate you

  1. Knowledge
  2. New Experiences
  3. Technical challenge

Three things you love

  1. Music (making and listening)
  2. Geek culture
  3. Hanging out with friends and making new ones

Three causes you're passionate about

  1. Spreading Knowledge
  2. Helping people understand each other
  3. Social equity

Three things you wish you could change about the world

  1. More understanding
  2. Less social inequalities
  3. More love, overall

If you had to pick one mission in life, what would it be

Helping each and every people i come across to achieve happiness

ghost commented 9 years ago

Three things that motivate you

  1. Learning something new. New Experiences.
  2. Doing, Making.
  3. Challenging tasks.

Three things you love

  1. Cooking
  2. Making art
  3. Cycling

Three causes you're passionate about

  1. Fairness
  2. Environmental Responsibility
  3. Nutrition and Wellness

Three things you wish to change about the world.

  1. Less Waste
  2. Less Fear
  3. More community

Free energy.