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OAuth - iOS & Backend #35

Open spprichard opened 5 years ago

spprichard commented 5 years ago

Hey Everyone,

So looking into interfacing with the Meetup-API, I've learned a few things.

I propose we change the iOS login screen to be Meetup's Oauth Screen (rendered in a webview), for first time Users when they login. We will then need to provide a way for the iOS app to communicate with the Meetup-API via the OAuth 2 flow. Once that is complete, the iOS App shoiuld "register" this User with the Backend. What it means to register is to give the Backend the token the iOS App got from communicating with Meetup's Oauth 2 flow.

So the requirements

SebastienFCT commented 5 years ago

Is a token permanent?

I'm not sure I get it:

Is that correct?

spprichard commented 5 years ago

I have to look at the docs. From what I know usually you get a access token with a time to live. You also get a refresher token. When the access token expires you use the refresher token as a one time use to get a new access token. This is only for tokens with a time to live.

I need to look at the docs to find out for sure.

spprichard commented 5 years ago

One of the 2 OAuth flows supports he refresher token like I described

SebastienFCT commented 5 years ago

That's what I though!

So how do we handle the tokens?

Is the mobile app going to constantly keep its token up to date by firing queries to the Meetup API?

That how I initially though we would do it:

screen shot 2018-07-31 at 11 10 57 pm

Can you change this rough diagram to show the system with OAuth?

SebastienFCT commented 5 years ago

Another architecture that could potentially make the whole development on Viper end much easier:

screen shot 2018-07-31 at 11 17 00 pm

With this system, Viper only needs to handle a simple database with a meetup table essentially containing its Meetup's ID, and then other tables handling all our custom data (commenting, scheduling, etc...)

SebastienFCT commented 5 years ago

I've added support for OAuth2,

Developers will have to go to https://secure.meetup.com/meetup_api/oauth_consumers/ and create a new consumer account with the same information as provided in the OAuthConstants.swift file.

@spprichard did you look at those diagram? Are you sure otherwise that sharing token is the way to go? You can grab your token once logged in by console logging UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: OAuthConstants.meetupAccessToken)

spprichard commented 5 years ago

So here is how I see it

spprichard commented 5 years ago
screen shot 2018-08-10 at 10 08 38 pm
spprichard commented 5 years ago

How to determine if User is Authenticated? Is this the first time the User has logged into our App? We could determine this by keeping a token in the iOS App, this token is generated on the Server side. The Server (Vapor Backend) is responsible for issuing that token once the User has authendicated with the Meetup Api Via thier OAuth Flow (We would use the Authentication Code Grant Flow).

In my head, All but 1 thing should be handled by the Backend. That one thing is the initial OAuth sign in via the Meetup Api. So the Flow looks something like this

  1. Initial install of iOS app, first launch, check for this special token. It should not be present, that means we should render the Meetup OAuth Page in the Webview within the iOS App. User will enter their creds (we don't store that). That request gets send to the Meetup API (this is where the one time the iOS App will have to talk to Meetup.com).

  2. Upon Successful request to be authenticated with the Meetup.com OAuth flow, the User will be redirected, this request should contain things like the access token, and the refresher token. The access token and the refresher token are we need to be stored in the Backend.

2a. if the Auth fails with Meetup.com (use case: entered wrong creds) the User should be prompted to reenter (basically try again).

  1. At this point we have successfully authenticated with the Meetup Api, we have the access token, and refresher token stored in the database. This should be everything we need for the Backend to act on behave of the User for getting anything we may need from the Meetup Api for that User. This is the entire point of the Backend, keep information in sync between us and Meetup.com. So that we can extend the Meetup Site like we have talked about.

We can now start the sync of all the information we need, and the User of the iOS App can continue to use it as they would expect. We may want to show them a loading screen until we have loaded all the information about them into our DB.

  1. Once the sync is complete, the User should see all the things. Every request now should be between the iOS app and the Backend

This is just what I have in my head. I may be off in some places. This should become more clear once we get something working. @SebastienFCT does this make sense?