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vision for the revamp #20

Open tanaypratap opened 4 years ago

tanaypratap commented 4 years ago

revamping learncodingfree.org

the need for revamp

The family has only grown in past one year. With more than 50K followers across Internet, I get queries daily on where to start the coding journey. The site in its current shape doesn't answer the question very well. It doesn't have FAQs and thus I get repeated question. It lacks a clear roadmap i.e. where to go after the first course etc. The revamped site will have all of this at one place.

the information architecture for the upcoming site

The upcoming website will be built on docusaurus. Docusaurus is widely used to build websites for a library.

This site generator has 3 simple components:

  1. Static Pages: These are your marketing pitch, generic information pages. On the website you can see the front page, the community page, the showcase page etc. are basically all static page.
  2. Blog listing: Dynamic listing of all your blogs at one place.
  3. Docs Section: This enlists all what a library has to offer.

using docusaurus for us As pointed previously, docusaurus is used widely for libraries. You can think of our website as a library of courses. So, the static pages will be about why you should join our library. The blog listing will be about the new/dynamic content: podcasts and mentorship sessions. And the Docs can very well work for hosting the course pages.

general principles

the front page

This is a static page. We can build it anywhich way we want. Here we need to highlight why someone should do this course.

why to do the courses from here?

clear doable goal

  1. Learn just enough to get a job. No need to be bogged down by endless stream of courses.
  2. Roadmap is laid on how to become a fullstack developer ninja.
  3. No disconnected courses. All courses connected towards the goal. Learning happens better when you can form interconnections in brain.

one person teaching

  1. If every course is done by a separate expert you have to go really deep in everything. Being an expert in every field is impossible. However, this teacher has tuned his abilities to be expert in one and good in everything else. This is what he's here to teach.

  2. You'll become a full stack developer ninja. You'll know enough to get your first job. You'll be guided enough to find success in life.

industry connect

  1. Your teacher is working day and night in world's most valuable company on one of the most used product on earth.
  2. Brings you industry relevant content. Separates reality from hype.
  3. He's well connected and respected in industry, to get other experts to interact with you and answer questions outside his expertise area.


  1. there's no point in learning if you're not getting a job out of it.
  2. completing the courses make you ready, and you get hired through the challenge.
  3. All of the placement is for free. Recruiters and Partners are actively looking for devs mentored by your mentor.

regular mentorship

  1. through podcasts
  2. through AMAs
  3. hundreds of hours of content answering every doubt.
  4. project ideas are shared regularly to enhance your portfolio.

helpful community

  1. got stuck while doing a course, don't know where to ask
  2. here you have a community of 5000+ folks doing the same course.
  3. Opportunity to make friends amongst like minded people.

i don't need your email

  1. the course and the content is out in the open
  2. you don't need to signup
  3. there's zero marketing, 100% coding.
  4. no money is being made out of you. hard to believe huh?