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Add advanced resources to go deeper #96

Open AntoineJT opened 3 years ago

AntoineJT commented 3 years ago

The scope of the project is to give good resources for beginners, but it could also be used to provide good resources to go deeper, for advanced programmers.

I think it'll need a logo to distinguish beginners' resources and advanced resources.

Maybe @Julien00859 can provide some good advanced python resources.

Julien00859 commented 3 years ago

Oh shit...

So, I've my own little awesome fit-in-one-full-hd-screen page listing python resources for both beginners and professionals : https://docs.drlazor.be/python_awesome.md. I've never considered contributing to learndev because I'm a lazy ass and this organization just seems too big for me :sweat_smile: so it would be great if any one could lead me to some "how to contribute" resources or explain me in a few words here.

So here we go:

First of all the standard documentation IS A MUST. Frankly, all the VERY GOOD resources are there. Just a few examples:

From the standard documentation "core" the four above ones are the "beginner must read". I wouldn't dare hire anyone who isn't familiar with those documents even for a junior python position. Please note that there was an effort a few (5/6) years ago (and still going) effort to translate the standard documentation to various languages, french is pretty well covered (language droplist is in the tom-left corner).

Then you have one of the most important python document every expert should have a printed version of. The datamodel https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html, this is the document that explain the role of every dundler (__init__, __get__, and friends) in python, basically every thing you want to know about OOP in python. It exists also as a talk https://youtu.be/7lmCu8wz8ro.

Please note that all the python standard documentation can be downloaded, handy when you have a 3h+ train trip https://docs.python.org/3/download.html.

Please also note that there is a "beginner start here" tutorial right on the index page : https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html

Please also note that there are plenty of tutorials to various parts of the language and some libraries : https://docs.python.org/3/howto/index.html (good for experts)

That's it for the standard documentation, now comes the external (curated by my own) resources.

I would like to point the https://learnxinyminutes.com/ (english only) website, there are many languages featured, one (long) page each. Every time they type a fully-working (very long) program in one of the programming language featured showing the language and its many features solely using code samples and explaining them via comments. This is very handy when you have to jump for a couple of hours in another language you don't practice much. Just yesterday I had to write some code samples in php, ruby and java and the site helped me having working code quickly. Definitely an "expert" resource as it explains nothing but shows the features of a language (like how you do an array).

Coming back at Python, here comes the list

Then there are two teachers who often do high quality talk in at various PyCon, there are David Beazley and Raymond Hettinger, frankly just typing their name in youtube gives you quite a lot to watch and learn.