learning-bootcamps / iOS-Development-Bootcamp-July-2023

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iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1 #16

Closed Alja7dali closed 1 year ago

Alja7dali commented 1 year ago

Todo List App

Project Description

Create a Simple Todo List App that allows users to add, delete, and update tasks. Users can set task priorities, and mark tasks as completed. The app should have an intuitive user interface and provide a seamless user experience.

Rules & Guidelines

  1. Use SwiftUI for UI development.
  2. Implement data persistence, in-device store only.
  3. Ensure the app is responsive and works on different iOS devices.
  4. Follow Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for consistent design.
  5. Test thoroughly for bugs and errors.
  6. Properly structured and documented code.
  7. Submit the project by the specified deadline.

Minimum Requirements

  1. Tasks explore
  2. Task view
  3. Task creation
  4. Task deletion
  5. Task editing
  6. Task prioritization (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH)
  7. Task status (Backlog, Todo, In-Progress, Done)
  8. Tasks filtration based on task-status
  9. Tasks searching based on task-title
  10. Tasks storing/loading locally


  1. Tasks explore: As a user, I want to explore all the tasks available in the todo-list app to review and manage them efficiently.
  2. Task view: As a user, I want to view detailed information about individual tasks in the todo-list app, such as their title, description, priority, and status.
  3. Task creation: As a user, I want to create new tasks in the todo-list app, providing relevant details such as title, description, and priority.
  4. Task deletion: As a user, I want to delete tasks from the todo-list app when they are completed or no longer needed.
  5. Task editing: As a user, I want to edit existing tasks in the todo-list app to update their details, including title, description, priority, and status.
  6. Task prioritization (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH): As a user, I want to assign priority levels (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH) to tasks in the todo-list app to better manage my workload and focus on important tasks.
  7. Task status (Backlog, Todo, In-Progress, Done): As a user, I want to set task status to Backlog, Todo, In-Progress, or Done in the todo-list app to keep track of the progress and status of each task.
  8. Tasks filtration based on task-status: As a user, I want to filter tasks in the todo-list app based on their status (Backlog, Todo, In-Progress, Done) to view specific subsets of tasks at a time.
  9. Tasks searching based on task-title: As a user, I want to search for tasks in the todo-list app based on their titles to quickly find specific tasks.
  10. Tasks storing/loading locally: As a user, I want the todo-list app to store tasks locally and load them seamlessly so I can access and manage my tasks even when offline.

Ideas for Extra Credit

  1. Dark-mode/Light-mode toggle
  2. Task categories/tags based on user-input
  3. Task due-date based on user-input
  4. Local notifications for task reminders


  1. Dark-mode/Light-mode toggle: As a user, I want to switch between dark mode and light mode in the todo-list app to adjust the app's appearance based on my preference and reduce eye strain during different lighting conditions.
  2. Task categories/tags based on user-input: As a user, I want to categorize tasks by adding custom tags or selecting predefined categories in the todo-list app to organize tasks according to specific themes or topics.
  3. Task due-date based on user-input: As a user, I want to set due-dates for tasks in the todo-list app to track deadlines and prioritize my work efficiently.
  4. Local notifications for task reminders: As a user, I want to receive local notifications or reminders from the todo-list app for upcoming or overdue tasks, ensuring I never miss an important deadline.


Submission Guidelines

Grading Criteria

Your lab assignment will be graded based on the following criteria:

Additional Notes


Submit your project prior start of next session.

khuloudAlshammari commented 1 year ago

khuloud alshammari https://github.com/khuloudAlshammari/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1

Afnan153 commented 1 year ago

Afnan Althobaiti https://github.com/Afnan153/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1

diya0o commented 1 year ago

diya alawdah https://github.com/diya0o/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1/tree/main/ToDoList/ToDoList/Views

Ranaa2000 commented 1 year ago

Rana Almuaied


hibahalatawi commented 1 year ago


SaraSd7 commented 1 year ago

Sara AlDosaari https://github.com/SaraSd7/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1

SakinahAlnajjar commented 1 year ago

Sakinah Alnajjar https://github.com/SakinahAlnajjar/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1

ghadah2019 commented 1 year ago

ghadah alonezan https://github.com/ghadah2019/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1.git

juhaina75i commented 1 year ago



Afrah34 commented 1 year ago

Afrah https://github.com/Afrah34/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1.git

ALWALEED-KHUSHAIM commented 1 year ago

ALwaleed khushaim https://github.com/ALWALEED-KHUSHAIM/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1-

muhammedalmanie commented 1 year ago

Mohammed Almanie https://github.com/muhammedalmanie/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1

ShaimaAlharbi0 commented 1 year ago

Shaima Alharbi https://github.com/ShaimaAlharbi0/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1

SarahAlmutlaq00 commented 1 year ago

sarah almutlaq https://github.com/SarahAlmutlaq00/OS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1

MuneeraYousaf commented 1 year ago

Muneera https://github.com/MuneeraYousaf/iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Project-1.git

Afnanxt commented 1 year ago


Alanoud900 commented 1 year ago

Alanoud naser


SaraAlmishaan commented 1 year ago
