learning-bootcamps / iOS-Development-Bootcamp-July-2023

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iOS-Developemnt-Bootcamp-July-2023-Week-3-Day-3-Lab #19

Closed Alja7dali closed 1 year ago

Alja7dali commented 1 year ago


These labs should give you a good starting point for customizing table view and collection view cells and handling user interactions with them. Good luck with your iOS development journey!


  1. Create an empty Swift StoryBoard project.
  2. Follow the instructions carefully for each task.
  3. Write your code in a clear and organized manner, following best practices.


  1. Xcode v13 or higher installed
  2. Swift compiler v5.7 or higher installed

Tasks 1, UITableView:

  1. Add a UITableView to your view controller's view and set its delegate and data source to the view controller.
  2. Create a new file in your project and select "Cocoa Touch Class" as the template. Name the class "CustomTableViewCell" and make sure it subclasses UITableViewCell.
  3. In Interface Builder, select your table view cell and set its "Class" to "CustomTableViewCell".

Tasks 2, UICollectionView:

  1. Add a UICollectionView to your view controller's view and set its delegate and data source to the view controller.
  2. Create a new file in your project and select "Cocoa Touch Class" as the template. Name the class "CustomCollectionViewCell" and make sure it subclasses UICollectionViewCell.
  3. In Interface Builder, select your collection view cell and set its "Class" to "CustomCollectionViewCell".

Tasks 3, Customizing cells:

  1. Customize the appearance of the cell by adding UI elements (e.g. labels, images) to the cell's content view and using Auto Layout to position them for UITableView and UICollectionView.
  2. In your view controller's "cellForRowAt" method, dequeue an instance of your custom table view cell class and configure it with the appropriate data.

Submission Guidelines:

Grading Criteria:

Your lab assignment will be graded based on the following criteria:

Additional Notes:


Submit your completed lab assignment prior start of next session.