learning-gardens / cybernetics-club

:arrows_clockwise: Cybernetics Reading Club
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[Group Branching] Instantiate a Pittsburgh CC? #17

Open urcades opened 7 years ago

urcades commented 7 years ago

In the wake of @irealva leaving NYC, I think it'd be great to figure out how we might all be able to sync learnings across time and space!

@frnsys mentioned a while back that we could simply create a branch and instantiate a new naming scheme to accomodate for group branches, or other reconfigurations like a Cybernetics Club made entirely in spanish or chinese.

If anyone has any cool ideas re: this, all help is welcome! Whatever we decide to use here may be of use for other Learning Gardens groups, as we've recently come up against the idea of group continuity, and whether or not it should be guided or let free.