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:arrows_clockwise: Cybernetics Reading Club
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Cybernetics and the Alt-Right??? Ideas #21

Open dantaeyoung opened 7 years ago

newcubes commented 7 years ago

Aesthetics of the Alt-Right (with 2x2!) http://baltimore-art.com/2017/02/11/the-aesthetics-of-the-alt-right/

newcubes commented 7 years ago

Aesthetics / 4Chan / Alt-Right https://www.jacobinmag.com/2017/02/paleocons-for-porn/

denisnazarov commented 7 years ago

https://scout.ai/story/the-rise-of-the-weaponized-ai-propaganda-machine (haven't read yet) https://medium.com/@d1gi/whats-missing-from-the-trump-election-equation-let-s-start-with-military-grade-psyops-fa22090c8c17#.na3h133fn

hxrts commented 7 years ago

I think we may want to do one on deterritorialization, CCRU, and left-right accelerationism prior to getting into the Alt-right, so people have some background.

Happy to organize, but this will necessarily be more reading intensive.