learning-in-public / learn-you-computer-science

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First draft of the roadmap graph #1

Open jeffque opened 2 years ago

jeffque commented 2 years ago

As a proof of concept, we shall design a roadmap graph and try how a beginner could interact with it.

The ideas are varying from a SVG that a node click shows in the right side some more content and arrows connecting dependant nodes.

noghartt commented 2 years ago

Some links with references:

https://github.com/org-roam/org-roam-ui https://learn-anything.xyz/network-science/computer-networking https://obsidian.garden/ https://publish.obsidian.md/geobo/Welcome+to+my+digital+garden+%F0%9F%8C%B1

biantris commented 2 years ago

++ references

noghartt commented 2 years ago

Another reference:


somecodingwitch commented 2 years ago

https://workat.tech/general/article/software-engineering-roadmap-beginner-advanced-6jh02kwtqawg Maybe?

mpfdev commented 2 years ago
