learning-unlimited / ESP-Website

A website to help manage the logistics of large, short-term educational programs
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Admin onsite webapp #2672

Open willgearty opened 5 years ago

willgearty commented 5 years ago

Following up on #2507 and the ideas in #2671, there should also be a webapp module for admins. I imagine there's a lot that could go in there, but here are some initial ideas:

Theoretically, all of these could be on the same page, but it might make it messy. Maybe have the first one or two items on the same page, then you'd have to click through to a class to change the cap (like a mini class manage page). And then the more general settings could be on a separate tab.

jacklat commented 5 years ago

I really like this idea! And one suggestion (which is very rough/preliminary) is to implement some kind of task management system within the app. So one of the main problems that can go wrong with a class is that a teacher no-shows or is running extremely late which means that one of our admins needs to go over to the class and either wait for the teacher to arrive or help the kids get class changed. Currently we just communicate about each class one by one on Slack which in the middle of a hectic program means that things can get lost/it's unclear exactly who is going to deal with the situation in that class. So the idea of a task management system is that you could flag some issue with a class (say a missing teacher), highlight the issue within the app, and then push it out to assign someone on the admin team to deal with the situation. Then once that admin has received the message/is working on rectifying the issue, they could go in check that they are resolving the issue (there could be a simple green, yellow, red system--red=problem/needs to be assigned, yellow=resolving the issue, green=issue is resolved). And that would be a really nice/consolidated way to deal with class issues day of as and when they arise and keep a careful monitor of all issues in live time.

willgearty commented 5 years ago

I think that would be an awesome thing to have, but I'm not necessarily sure we should be trying to reinvent the wheel here, since there's lots of apps that already do things like that.

kkbrum commented 4 years ago

From issue #142 that I'm closing now, a request for the admin app is "online instant searchable admin binder."

willgearty commented 3 years ago

From SplashCon 2021:

willgearty commented 3 years ago

Navigation might be like this: