learning-unlimited / ESP-Website

A website to help manage the logistics of large, short-term educational programs
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Redirect tables cut off when text is too long #3728

Open willgearty opened 3 months ago

willgearty commented 3 months ago


willgearty commented 3 months ago

The tables need "table-layout: fixed;", but it looks like that then causes some problems with the text, so the cells would then need to have text wrapping. I think "overflow-wrap: anywhere;" or "overflow-wrap: break-word;" should do the trick.

willgearty commented 3 months ago

Another example: https://princeton.learningu.org/manage/redirects/

MysteryManav commented 3 months ago

@willgearty i would like to fix this issue, can you specify where the table that needs to be modified is ?

willgearty commented 3 months ago

@MysteryManav the tables are in this file: https://github.com/learning-unlimited/ESP-Website/blob/main/esp%2Ftemplates%2Fprogram%2Fredirects.html.