Initial setup was of Kalite 0.16.5 installed using pip install. I tried upgrading it to 0.17 version using dpkg method. It didn't work. Hence after Jamie's suggestion on #kalite I uninstalled it using pip uninstall. Then did a fresh install of 0.17 with existing backup. Installation was using dpkg method. After that I did "kalite manage setup" and then "kalite manage contentpackchecker all --update"
Everything went smoothly without any issues.
Initial setup was of Kalite 0.16.5 installed using pip install. I tried upgrading it to 0.17 version using dpkg method. It didn't work. Hence after Jamie's suggestion on #kalite I uninstalled it using pip uninstall. Then did a fresh install of 0.17 with existing backup. Installation was using dpkg method. After that I did "kalite manage setup" and then "kalite manage contentpackchecker all --update" Everything went smoothly without any issues.
However now when I am trying to register the device it just keeps reloading.http://localhost:8008/?login=true&next=/securesync/register/
There are no errors in chrome console and in .kalite/server.log
System information
Upgraded 0.16.5 to 0.17 on Ubuntu
Traceback or relevant snippet from server.log
How to reproduce
Follow the steps in summary