learningequality / ka-lite

KA Lite: lightweight web server for serving core Khan Academy content (videos and exercises) without needing internet connectivity
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Port :8008 is occupied. Please close the process that's using it to start the KA Lite #5530

Closed jiangjianshan closed 6 years ago

jiangjianshan commented 6 years ago


 I have reinstall my laptop's operating system and installed the KA Lite 0.17.3. When I double click the KA Lite icon on my desktop, one pop hint appear as below.


  And I have also found the "start server" item on KA Lite tray is still on black color, normally it should be gray color as I remember. So it seems like the sever can't be started.

  Here is the log file I copied from $HOME\.kalite\logs


mrpau-richard commented 6 years ago

Hi @jiangjianshan that error means the port 8008 is use by other application. Do you have other applications running when starting KA Lite server? If port 8008 is not available the KA Lite server will not start. To solve that issue, kill or terminate the process that using the port 8008 before running the KA Lite server.

Here's a sample command to kill port process using command prompt before starting KA Lite server.

C:\Users\xxx>netstat -ano | findstr :8008
  TCP               LISTENING       7252
  TCP         TIME_WAIT       0

C:\Users\xxx>taskkill /PID 7252 /F
SUCCESS: The process with PID `7252` has been terminated.
jiangjianshan commented 6 years ago

@mrpau-richard , thanks for your solution. It work for me. But I have also tried to use the environment variable KALITE_LISTEN_PORT to set the default port from 8008 to 8080 to KA Lite. But the scenario is I can login into KA Lite but it can't access internet to download the videos. I think I'm using a wrong port settings. Are there other available port can be used for KA Lite?

mrpau-richard commented 6 years ago

@jiangjianshan do you have internet access? Your problem in port is already solved. you just need an internet connection to register your KA Lite device.

benjaoming commented 6 years ago

Hi @jiangjianshan - please feel welcome in the support community for support questions: http://community.learningequality.org/

Also thanks for reporting the other issue -- we are investigating this with full speed and will make another release to fix it within a few days.