learnmath / lysa

Learn You Some Algebras for Glorious Good!
16 stars 3 forks source link

Changes from my branch #92

Open pharpend opened 9 years ago

pharpend commented 9 years ago

Here are the patches:

http://ix.io/fvm http://ix.io/fvn http://ix.io/fvo http://ix.io/fvp http://ix.io/fvq http://ix.io/fvr http://ix.io/fvs http://ix.io/fvt http://ix.io/fvu http://ix.io/fvv http://ix.io/fvw http://ix.io/fvx

ghost commented 9 years ago

I'll review these and leave notes for you on what gets in. It'll take me a bit though.