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Improve BNS collectible format #3402

Open markmhendrickson opened 1 year ago

markmhendrickson commented 1 year ago


mica000 commented 1 year ago

@markmhx What is the relation to the existing format displayed at: https://gamma.io/collections/bns ?

Shouldn't we show the same as in Gamma?

nattaja commented 1 year ago

bns mark2

nattaja commented 1 year ago

@markmhx What is the relation to the existing format displayed at: https://gamma.io/collections/bns ?

Shouldn't we show the same as in Gamma?

Gamma should change this format coz how it is now doesn't represent emoji correctly and can mislead people. I bought .stx emoji coz didn't pay attention coz it is messed up with code, some other people have same problem, so it need to be corrected

nattaja commented 1 year ago

and we all know what orange colour this is Bitcoin colour

mica000 commented 1 year ago

@markmhx @nattaja Just to get a bit of an overview for this, who would be the stakeholder for this approval? Only the wallet team or it involves a broader group? for instance, Gamma?

nattaja commented 1 year ago
  • Perhaps better to incorporate orange color (per below)
  • Display raw BNS punycode value alongside unicode
  • Provide copy option for raw BNS value
  • Link to BNS details page somewhere (though not sure where?)
  • Label as "BNSx" if wrapped by BNSx


could we click at placeholder image and this will link us to domain detales?

nattaja commented 1 year ago

@markmhx @nattaja Just to get a bit of an overview for this, who would be the stakeholder for this approval? Only the wallet team or it involves a broader group? for instance, Gamma?

this is Hiro wallet so i suppose Hiro team must approve this

nattaja commented 1 year ago

different format at Gamma with BNSx, was discussed yesterday

bns gamma emoji
nattaja commented 1 year ago

if you want have same format you need to add punycode somewhere else (coz you don't have traits bar)

nattaja commented 1 year ago

@markmhx @nattaja Just to get a bit of an overview for this, who would be the stakeholder for this approval? Only the wallet team or it involves a broader group? for instance, Gamma?

can be the same colour as bitcoin logo colour in wallet, will look more clean

bns smile
markmhendrickson commented 1 year ago

@mica000 This is a design decision we can make independently as a wallet team, though drawing inspiration from Gamma and elsewhere if helpful

markmhendrickson commented 1 year ago

Note: We can make the "copy" option here universal for all collectibles, not just BNS names

nattaja commented 1 year ago

bns arab not mine

nattaja commented 1 year ago

bns bored

nattaja commented 1 year ago

bns 01 emoji blue

nattaja commented 1 year ago

bns 01 emoji old

markmhendrickson commented 10 months ago

Here are BNS image assets provided by Snazzy | 8g.btc that could also be incorporated here: https://www.figma.com/file/qiXgy5AwPhzkvRL5ObkTi6/BNS?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=KlJNMh8ocmgXrFne-0

mica000 commented 10 months ago

Requesting access to view the Figma file