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Add STX deposit/withdrawal options for subnets #3552

Open markmhendrickson opened 1 year ago

markmhendrickson commented 1 year ago

Subnets are an L2 for Stacks (...and "L3" if we treat Stacks itself as an L2 for Bitcoin) that provide scalability and functionality benefits.

The wallet handles them generally like any other Stacks network, in that the underlying API for subnets conforms to the same standards as the Stacks Blockchain for Stacks networks.

However, as a usability enhancement, users will likely need to move STX from Stacks into a subnet and then back out from within the wallet itself.

If the user has a subnet added within the networks area of the wallet, we can display an additional option for STX tokens depending on the currently viewed network.

cc @saralab @hugocaillard in case they want to provide any additional context on the above UX need

hugocaillard commented 1 year ago

Thanks Mark! I want to highlight the fact that STX withdrawal from subnet happens in 2 steps;

  1. initiate the withdraw on the subnet
  2. confirm withdraw on the mainnet

I'll have a detailed example of it pushed on GitHub soon and deployed on testnet as part of the Subnet demo app.

Happy to get in touch with @mica000 when needed

markmhendrickson commented 1 year ago

@hugocaillard @saralab After talking with @mica000 about this task, we're thinking that it may fit best into the UX if we place the deposit/withdraw capabilities into the "Send" form of the wallet:

Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 12 52 56

If the user has added one or more subnets to their networks menu, they'd see "Subnet" as an option in the dropdown of recipient types:

Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 12 57 16

And if selected, they'd have the option to select "Choose subnet" and pick from a drawer showing their subnet networks (while hiding the memo field which is presumably unnecessary in this scenario):

Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 12 58 03

For withdrawing, the user would have a similar experience but with "Mainnet" listed under types and no need to choose a particular network:

Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 13 03 06

Since the user has two send two transactions (one for subnet then mainnet respectively), we can include fees and balances for each in this scenario and automatically submit the mainnet transaction once the subnet one confirms. That way the user doesn't need to toggle between networks to complete the withdrawal or otherwise manually broadcast two transactions.

How does this approach sound?

hugocaillard commented 1 year ago

I don't have a strong opinion regarding handling deposits from the mainnet "Send" form. Although I think it might be worth exploring a dedicated page for subnet to manage STX funds (deposit and withdraw).

Regarding the two steps withdrawal process, here is the flow from a technical point of view:

So it's not possible to send to two withdraw transactions at the same time. At some point, the Subnet team suggested that the second step of a withdraw could be handled by the teams running the Subnet (eg: a marketplace like gamma) instead of the end-users.

* there's no easy way to do it right now, but we might just have an API endpoint soon to do so * there can be multiple withdrawal transaction initiated on subnet but not confirmed on mainnet)

markmhendrickson commented 1 year ago

So it's not possible to send to two withdraw transactions at the same time.

Is it possible for the wallet to wait for the subnet transaction to confirm then fetch the withdrawal info via the new API endpoint and then broadcast the mainnet transaction automatically?

i.e. sequential transactions instead of parallel ones

hugocaillard commented 1 year ago

@markmhx The second transaction is built with data coming from the confirmation of the first one. So we have to wait for the first one to be confirmed to build and sign the second one. I think the 2nd transaction could be automated, but I don't think that would be the responsibility of the wallet team to handle it.

I have a meeting with the Subnet team later today, I'll bring it up

markmhendrickson commented 1 year ago

I guess I'm thinking if the wallet can save the user an extra step by auto-signing the 2nd transaction, it's a good responsibility for it to have? Whereas an app wouldn't have the power to do such automation or sequencing given its lack of key access.

hugocaillard commented 1 year ago

it's a good responsibility for it to have?

I totally agree, but have some concerns regarding the feasibility. It would have to run as a background task, ideally on a server I guess?

So let's say that a a marketplace like Gamma runs a marketplace on a subnet. They have their own subnet and miner for this subnet. Should they decide to take care of the second withdrawal step, we could provide guidelines to set up a service (on a server) that is responsible for listening to withdrawal transaction on their subnet, and automatically broadcast the 2nd step (and pay the fees for it). The principal sending the 2nd withdrawal transaction can be any transaction (it doesn't have to be the address of the user performing the withdrawal)

markmhendrickson commented 1 year ago

The wallet extension can essentially wait for the 1st transaction to confirm (in the background i.e. while not the UI isn't open necessarily) then construct and broadcast the 2nd one as needed (also while in the background).

If a server-side service wants to take this on for the user and pay its fees, then that could work too I suppose. Though we'd probably want to be confident that all subnets are paired with such a service?

hugocaillard commented 1 year ago

The wallet extension can essentially wait for the 1st transaction to confirm (in the background i.e. while not the UI isn't open necessarily) then construct and broadcast the 2nd one as needed (also while in the background).

Well if we can make it work it would be great. But it would fail if the users closes it's browser right?

Though we'd probably want to be confident that all subnets are paired with such a service?

Yes, I think we'll have to anticipate the both scenarios can co-exist. For some subnets, the withdraw fees will be paid by users and for some other subnets, fees will be taken in charge by the company running the subnet

markmhendrickson commented 1 year ago

But it would fail if the users closes it's browser right?

Yea or at least, wouldn't continue until they reopen their browser again

hugocaillard commented 1 year ago

Ok I see 👍 I think it would be nice to have feedback from the subnet team, I'll share it with them

markmhendrickson commented 1 year ago

@mica000 has started a Figma for these designs here.

Some notes from our call yesterday: